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Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus invites the disciples who have been fishing all night to “put out into the deep..” Despite their fatigue, they do as Jesus asks because they have faith in him. They are rewarded with a large catch of fish and are then instructed to become fishers of men (and women). That instruction wasn’t meant just for the twelve, it is meant for each one of us. Where and to whom can you reach out to? Who do you know that needs Christ’s healing and love? The grace and ability to be a disciple is there for us, it just takes courage and a listening heart to “put out into the deep.” |
LIVE STREAMING MASSES AT ST CHRISTINE'S You can watch Mass celebrated at Saint Christine’s anytime on your computer. Go to saintchrsitine.org, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the You Tube link. Upcoming
Saturday/Sunday Masses will be streamed live on: |