~ Bulletin, Info & Events ~
What's Happening at Saint Christine's?

Forgot to get a bulletin this week? Don't worry, you can read it online just click the Weekly Bulletin image below for the complete bulletin. We have also listed a number of highlighted bulletin announcements below for your convenience.

Do you know when you're serving on the altar next? Current ministry schedules can be found in the Schedules area.

Are you new to the parish?
Complete a Parish Registration Form, Find out when your child's CCD classes will be or what activities we have planned. It's all here.

** Click Here for Important Parish Notices **

Click for Highlighted Parish News
(Updated 2/7/25)

Regular Mass Schedule

St. Christine's Church
Weekdays: 9:00 AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
*Sunday: 7 AM, 9:30 AM &
11 AM

St. Theresa's Chapel:

Saturday 4 to 4:45 PM (church)

Read Last
Week's Bulletin

Activities, Events & Schedules

Activities & Events
Blessing of the Animals Photos
Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the Webmaster

Schedules & Forms
Euch Ministers (Winter 2024)
Lectors (Winter 2024)
Altar Servers

Scholarship Application Form
CCD Schedules
Confirmation Schedules/Lessons
Confirmation Sign Up Form
CCD Enrollment Form (24/25)
CCD Tuition Letter (24/25)

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Catholic Women Today & Tomorrow
Men's Group
Contact the Webmaster

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus invites the disciples who have been fishing all night to “put out into the deep..” Despite their fatigue, they do as Jesus asks because they have faith in him. They are rewarded with a large catch of fish and are then instructed to become fishers of men (and women). That instruction wasn’t meant just for the twelve, it is meant for each one of us. Where and to whom can you reach out to? Who do you know that needs Christ’s healing and love? The grace and ability to be a disciple is there for us, it just takes courage and a listening heart to “put out into the deep.”


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Saint Christine’s Church will take place every Thursday. Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am, followed by Adoration at 10:30 am and ending with Benediction at 6:45 pm. Come and spend some heart-to-heart time with Jesus.


You can watch Mass celebrated at Saint Christine’s anytime on your computer. Go to saintchrsitine.org, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the You Tube link.

Upcoming Saturday/Sunday Masses will be streamed live on:

Sun 2/9 - 11:00 AM | Sat 2/16 - 5:00 P
Sun 2/22 - 11:00 AM
| Sat 3/2 - 5:00 PM

Please Consider Using St. Christine's Secure and Convenient Online Giving or Online Giving's Quick Give Programs

You can support Saint Christine’s Parish on a regular basis by signing up for Online Giving. By giving your weekly contribution on a recurring electronic basis, you help our parish more accurately forecast our finances.

This method is a safe, secure and dependable means of giving for you and our parish and it is more convenient for you.
Learn more about setting up an Online Giving account. Not quite ready to create an account but would like to support the parish? Consider using "Quick Give" to make a one time online gift/donation using your credit card. Learn more about Quick Give.


Ways to Watch Mass

Other Ways to Watch

Mass on YouTube
Live & Recorded


** Marshfield Public Television Airing Times **
More Times Added!
Mon: 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM | Tue: 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Wed: 8:30 AM | Thur: 7:00 PM | Fri: 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM

Technical difficulties may prevent the current Mass from airing.

~ Highlighted Parish News ~
(If you don't see what you're looking for in the highlights below please check the complete bulletin )

Mass on Sunday at 6:00 pm will be celebrated on: February 5 & 23, March 2, 9 23, 30. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

This week we celebrate the Feast of Saint Blaise. The Blessing of Throats will take place after Mass on:.
Saturday - February 8 - 5:00 pm
Sunday - February 9 - 7, 9:30 and 11 am
Saint Blaise was a physician and a priest who was elevated to Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia. At his intercession, a child was cured of a disease of the throat. Since then, his aid has been requested to protect people from diseases of the throat.

The enormity of the tragedy that has unfolded in southern California as a result of the wild fires is heartbreaking. The wild fires have killed over 28 people, destroyed over 15,000 structures, and 40,000 acres of land has been impacted. Thousands of brave fire fighters and first responders have worked tirelessly around the clock to contain these fires. Recognizing the immediate and growing needs, Catholic Charities USA is seeking assistance for relief efforts. A special second collection will take place at St. Christine’s next weekend, February 15/16 to support these relief efforts. Please write your check to Saint Christine’s Parish with LA Wildfires Relief written on the memo line. You may also donate through On-Live Giving. 100% of your donation will be sent the Catholic Charities USA. Thank you for your support and generosity.

Calendar Winning Numbers for January 15: 18 31 75 116
Calendar Winning Numbers for:
February 1 (139) February 2 (160)
February 3 (179) February 4 (184)
Winning numbers are also posted in the foyer and at the side doors of the church.

Last Week's Offertory Collection
Budgeted Goal: $9,800
Received: Jan. 25/25 $7,195
Received: Feb 1/2 $7,267

This weekend, February 8/9, there will be a second
collection for Fuel to help defray the cost of heating
the church and rectory during the winter months.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

>> Your generosity is GREATLY appreciated!!<<
 ~ Thanks to all our Online Giving subscribers. ~
~ Please Consider our Online Giving Program ~


School Vacation Week
There will be no Faith Formation classes on Sunday, February 16th through Thursday, February 20th
Classes will resume on Sunday, February 23rd

First Holy Communion Clothing
If you have a First Communion dress or suit that you would like to donate for our communicants, please bring it to the parish hall on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm or the Faith Formation Office. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Now that the winter season is upon us, there may be occasions that our Faith Formation classes will be cancelled due to inclement weather. If classes are cancelled, notification will be available on Channels 5 and 7. Please tune into these stations or log onto their websites. Cancellations will also be announced on WATD radio (95.9).
** Please note that if Marshfield Schools are closed, Saint Christine’s Faith Formation classes are also cancelled.

On Saturday, February 8th, our high school juniors will hold their third annual Parent’s Night Out. There will be Games and Crafts for children in pre-school through Grade 5 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm in the parish hall. Children will have pizza, make Valentine Day crafts, play knee hockey, cornhole, badminton and sing karaoke. High school students and their parents will oversee all activities. The cost is $15 per child and $5 for each additional child in the family. Proceeds for the event will be donated to the MPSD McKinney Vento Program which supports foster children and families who are homeless or financially struggling. Sign up your child at: https://tinyurl.com/Feb8NightOut. Space is limited. If you have any questions, please e-mail Andrea Robbins at acrobbins@gmail.com or call 617-308-4620. Join us for a fun night!! Crafters and volunteers are needed to help make rosaries for the World Mission Rosary Society. Each color represents a different continent where missionaries are spreading the gospel. Volunteers are needed to make these rosaries for our children in our Faith Formation programs and Catholic schools. Volunteers can make the rosaries at their own pace or it can be a parish group activity. If you would like to help, please email: dbraithwaite@propfaithboston.org or call Daria at 617-779-3867. Thanks for your gift to the Missions.

All our parishioners and students are encourage to bring a can of soup or stew or a box of macaroni and cheese to the church or their CCD classes for the next two weeks to support the Marshfield Food Pantry and our neighbors in need. Thank you for your generosity.

Catholic Women Today and Tomorrow invites you to gather together for a Mini Zoom Retreat for Women on Wednesday, February 26th from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the parish hall. The topic is “Praying Is Our Daily Appointment with Mystery.’ (Thomas Merton) and will be facilitated by Sr. Maureen Casey, SND. A donation of $20 is requested payable at the time of the gathering. If you have any questions, please call Jeanne Dominick at 781-267-4511.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje - Date Correction
Come and join Fr. Mario and other parishioners on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from July 22nd through July 30th. For those who are interested, there will be an informational meeting on February 2nd at 12 noon in Hull. For additional information, please contact Father Mario.

Cursillo is a joyful jam-packed three day experience of learning, faith sharing, praying and having fun. The goal is to deepen your faith and strengthen your ability to bring God’s love and grace into the world. The next Women's Weekend is Thursday, February 27th through Sunday, March 2nd at the Notre Dame Spirituality Center in Ipswich, MA. For more information, e-mail Colleen and Tom Casey at casey673@gmail.com. You may also visit www.bostoncursillo.org or @bostoncursillo on Istagram to register.

Once again during Lent, Catholic Women Today and Tomorrow will sell soup mixes in jars. Our goal is to provide a scholarship for a 2025 graduating senior from Saint Christine’s Parish. We need one quart mason jars with covers for the soup mixes. If you have any jars you would like to donate, there will be a carton in the foyer of the church to put your jars during the next few weeks. Thank you for making last year’s Soup Sale such a success. If you have any jars you would like to donate, there will be a carton in the foyer of the church to put your jars during the next few weeks. Thank you for making last year’s Soup Sale such a success. If you have any questions, please call Trish at 781-500-9088.

St. Christine’s Scholarship Applications for our parish graduating seniors who have participated in ministries and are involved in parish life are available at the church and rectory. Applications can also be downloaded on Saint Christine’s website. All applications are due by Tuesday, April 1st.

Are You Going Away For The Winter?
All Ministers who volunteer at Saint Christine’s need to fill out an annual Cori Form. (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Teachers, Greeters, Ushers, Choir members, etc.) If you will be away for several weeks or months this winter, please fill out a Cori Form before you leave. Just stop by the rectory for a few minutes to fill out your form. Thank you for your

Upcoming Groups and Ministries
Card Making and Coffee
February 7th - After 9AM Mass in the Hall
Call Rectory
Prayer Shawl Ministry
February 9th - 12:30 - 2:30
Children's Room
Mom's & Tots
Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:00 AM
Men's Spirituality Group
1st Sat each Month
8 - 8:55 AM
New Day Bereavement
Call Rectory for Next Date
See bulletin for more details about these groups and ministries.

We sincerely thank all of our advertisers who have placed ads in our bulletin. Please support the businesses that advertise in our parish bulletin as their ads help to defray the cost of the bulletin.

Other Activities in the Area:

Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham has several spiritual programs during the month of February.
February 10: What Do We Really Believe?
February: 11: Mastering the Art of Living.
February 20: Does Prayer Matter?
Visit: www.Glastonburyabbey.org to register or for more information.

Saint Christine’s now has a Facebook page. We will use the Face Book page to post parish news, events, CCD cancellations, photos and more but we need your help. Visit www.facebook.com/stchristinesmarshfield and “LIKE” our page to help spread the word. We’re new to Facebook so please bear with us as we get up to speed with social media. You can also link to our Facebook page whereever you see the Facebook logo on our site.

Read the Complete Bulletin for all Parish News


REMINDER: The Marshfield Fire Department has requested that our parishioners refrain from parking in front of the church as it prevents their access in times of emergency.

Please exercise extreme caution in our church parking lot while dropping off and picking up children from classes. Please drive slowly in the parking lot and refrain from using cell phones. Children move quickly and your full attention is needed.

Please check your schedules to see if/when you are assigned. If you unable to serve your assigned Mass, it is important that you call a substitute to serve for you.

All children in Grades 1 through 3 must have a parent or another adult accompany them to and from class each week. Parents must sign children out before they are released from their class.

If classes are cancelled due to weather, notification will be available on Channels 5, and 7. Please tune into these stations or log onto their websites. Additionally, cancellations will be announced on WATD radio (95.9). Please note that if Marshfield Schools are closed, Saint Christine’s CCD classes are also cancelled.

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